TTPC: Business and Services

Business and Services

The Trans Tunisian Pipeline Company manages and markets the transportation capacity for natural gas originating from Algeria along the pipeline stretching from the Oued Saf Saf Entry Point to the Cap Bon Entry Point

Commercial services

We support TTPC and Transmed in managing the Transmission Service offered to stakeholders, ensuring adequate commercial coordination.

We also collaborate to identify initiatives in support of business, ensuring the definition of strategies and guaranteeing the steering and transversal operative coordination for commercial development, also through the start-up of partnerships and the identification of new services.

Finally, we supervise the development of commercial dispatching and all other activities impacting shippers, holders of transmission contracts along the TTPC-TMPC corridor.

For more information on how to become a client of TTPC and Transmed, download the booklet.

Find out more and use PRISMA

PRISMA is Europe’s leading web platform in the purchase and sale of transmission capacity; through PRISMA, TSOs, SSOs and shippers market transmission capacity at the primary and secondary market level.All processes involving the conferral of the transmission capacity managed by TTPC and Transmed are finalised on the PRISMA platform.

Calendar of booking windows

In order to facilitate the purchase of transport capacity, all time windows for booking capacity within the currently active offer, during which transport capacity can be purchased, are made available below.

Useful Documentation

The continuous transportation capacity on the trans-Tunisian pipeline, which remained uncommitted after TTPC's previous offers, is offered on the PRISMA platform, on a first come first served basis, through the following capacitive products: 

  • Gas Year and multiples thereof, starting on October 1 st , 2024
  • Calendar Year and multiples thereof, starting on January 1 st , 2025
  • Quarters of Gas Year 2024-2025 (Q4 2024, Q1, Q2 and Q3 2025)
  • Months of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Weeks (7 days Sat-Fri or Sun-Sat) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Week Working Days (5 days Mon-Fri) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Weekends (2 days Sat-Sun) of Gas Year 2024-2025
  • Days-Ahead of Gas Year 2024-2025.
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