TTPC: TTPC FCFS 2021-2022 Offer: Postponment of the monthly capacity booking deadline
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TTPC FCFS 2021-2022 Offer: Postponment of the monthly capacity booking deadline

With reference to the TTPC FCFS 2021-2022 Offer of firm transportation capacity on the trans-Tunisian pipeline, and to the relevant Procedure for participation in the Offer through the PRISMA platform, both published on this website on June 17th, 2021, TTPC informs that, in order to facilitate Shippers’ operations in the current market situation, starting from today and until further notice, the fourth item listed in the paragraph “Booking Rules” of chapter 4 “Offer Procedure” of the Procedure is hereby replaced by the following:

Bookings for a Capacity Band shall be submitted:

                  (i)       For a monthly Capacity Band, up to - and including - the 25th of the month preceding its start;

                 (ii)       For a Capacity Band of any other duration, up to - and including -  the 15th of the month preceding its start.

All other terms and conditions set forth in the Procedure remain unchanged.